
I am a Rajni fan. There are people who love and then there are people who worship him. I guess I fall into the first category. I would like to confess that I was not a huge Rajni fan to start with but gradually with the passing years I started to connect with his movies just like the rest of the crowd and after Sivaji:The boss , I too joined the Rajni fan club.

To start with , I thoroughly enjoyed Enthiran. There is no second thought about that. There is hardly a dull moment in the movie and the different transformation stages of the Robot is mesmerising to watch.The special effects are also top notch and may I dare say that it is of international standards.

Getting to the plot, the story revolves around prof. Vasigaran(Rajni) who creates a human-android robot Chitti(Rajni) with the aim to help the Indian army and save human lives. The problem starts when just to get an AIRD approval, Vasigaran is forced to put human emotions in the robot. The story takes a U-turn when the Robot starts developing  a love interest in Sana(Aishwarya Rai), Vasigaran’s suitor.

To enjoy this movie fully one has to approach it with a clear mind. You cannot go into it with the hope of getting intense character development or intriguing portrayal of drama or subtle humour. We all know Rajni. His movies are about anything but subtelity. Everything about Enthiran is over the top and that’s exactly what I fell in love with.I watched it probably  20 times and yet I don’t feel bored. The USP of the movie is of course Rajni but the special effects also plays a major role in uplifting the movie’s proceedings. some noteworthy sequences would be the action sequence in the train and also the one in the muhalla where Rajni attracts all the weapons of the goons, but the final action sequence involving hundreds of Rajni clamping together to form different shapes from an anaconda to a spire and finally a Godzilla is in itself worth the price of the admission.

Speaking of the performances, no one has much to do in the movie. All Rajni movies are generally a Rajni show from start to finish and Enthiran is no exception. Aishwarya Rai looks pretty and dances around trees wearing costly outfits. Danny Dengzonpa huffs and puffs and tries to look charmingly menacing. He succeeds to a great extent but with the arrival of Chitti 2.o, he is left to be a puppet. The heart and soul of the movie is though its sixty year old star and boy o boy he fires with all guns blazing. From action sequences to replicating his own self. From one to one dialogues with the robot to a prolonged discussion with a mosquito, Rajni doesn’t look out of place even for a second. His performance is so life like that people would actually believe that Rajni is Enthiran.

Watch this movie and be enthralled by its power.


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